solved. It was my fault. I will explain it to help others. In short, I was being impatient. When the device bootep up and it had wifi, automatic update of apps was launched. But I was trying to use Google Maps while it was still being updated. I guess that probably the built-in version of Google Maps is not able to talk to the server side of Google Maps. After letting it update, Maps starts up without problem.
In the meanwhile, I have been testing iGo, as you suggested. The application works, obviously. What is your plan for offline map updates? Are you or the iGo developer providing us with updated maps every while?
I still have a second question, but is not related with Google Maps, so I will open a different thread.
In the meanwhile, let me contratulate your for a great product and an excellent online support. I have not yet been able to use it intensively (it is a christmas present for my wife, so the kids cannot see it installed until after xmas), but the impressions during the testing I have made is more than promissing.
JStatistics: Posted by jsedano — Sun Dec 04, 2016 11:14 am