first of all, my Amazon order number is 403-0837290-6429165.
My current Android version is 6.0.1, MCU version is 5.3.19-11-10-453101-170107, and the system version is V7.3.1_20170302.094453_KED3.
I was not been able to install the unit until last week, so could not test it before. Now it is up and running on my car but there are a couple of things I'd need some help with:
1. Is there any firmware update for this unit? What is the latest Android version I can run on it?.
2. I have seen that the previous version had a connection cable specifically for iPods. Is there any way to use that cable in this version?. I have an old iPod I still use for listening music and I would like to use it in the car. It is working fine over BT, but then I have to disconnect my phone.
3. If no iPod cable is available, is there any way to have the phone connected for voice and the iPod connected for multimedia/music at the same time?
4. My other option was to connect the iPod through the AUX jack, which seems to work for other users in the forum. In my case, I cannot hear anything on the unit when I connect the iPod through the AUX connector. When I open the Music application no matter what channel I select, no sound comes out. What could be the reason for that behaviour? Could be a software issue or could be a hardware failure? Is there any specific setting or application that I have to use for that?
Thanks in advance for your help.Statistics: Posted by Leucipo — Thu Sep 07, 2017 10:53 pm