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PUMPKIN CAR STEREO SUPPORT CENTER Get support for PUMPKIN products. Get the information you need for the type of product you own. 2016-04-26T07:39:33 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/feed.php?f=19&t=401 2016-04-26T07:39:33 2016-04-26T07:39:33 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=401&p=1227#p1227 <![CDATA[Re: Questions about LM-W0414-DE-A.]]> About the item cost and shipping cost, you can send the email to the autopumpkin@gmail.com
About the adapter, if your original cable harness is not right to the power cable come with our unit, you can send some picture of your original wiring harness to us, we will help you check.

Statistics: Posted by Jammy — Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:39 am

2016-04-25T13:29:57 2016-04-25T13:29:57 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=401&p=1213#p1213 <![CDATA[Questions about LM-W0414-DE-A.]]>
sorry for my bad language. I come from Germany and I've some questions about the LM-W0414-DE-A. OS: Win CE 6.0.

1) Are there always new updates for the firmware and the map availiabe?

2) What is the difference between this product and the product on amazon.de (https://www.amazon.de/gp/aw/d/B016WDGJ9 ... YLR9KGD8YE)? The product on the official page seems to be cheaper? How expensive are the transport costs when I order the product at autopumpkin.de?

3) By an comment at Amazon it called that the radio may stands a little bit away and you could better buy an adapter. I've an Opel Astra H from 2006. Should I buy an adapter? :?

4) Is there or will there come any solution in the future to show the track names on the desk computer?

5) I've forgot it. Maybe I'll ask for it later.

Thanks for your help

Statistics: Posted by Majodi — Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:29 pm
