The order number from Amazon is 108-3781835-6589810.
But can you please let me what the purpose of the Mode button is? What is it supposed to do when you press it? I can program the SWC's Mode button to the Mode button on the unit successfully, but then pressing it on the SWC doesn't do anything.
As for voice dialing, I noticed that the Google Voice App allows for voice commands, and it responds to my voice, however it's contact list is empty so it can't actually make the call (it says it can't find that contact). I'll have to figure out how to get the contacts that are already in the Bluetooth section (synced from the phone) also be visible by the Google Voice App. But even then, I don't know if it can make a call.Statistics: Posted by BitFlipper — Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:41 pm