1. click the reset button on the panel to reboot the unit and adjust the volume knob.
2. plug out the unit and check the wire connection tightly, including the speaker connection and the canbus box connection.
3. check whether the speaker cable get around 6V power by using a multimeter.
More query, i suggest you feedback the result of the above 3 points to the pumpkin customer service or the seller. I hope you can also attach following info:
Your Amazon order ID&order date:
The details of the issue(when did it happen&what happened&what did you try to do to fix it);
Attachments(It couldn't be better if you would provide us with pictures or video link);
It will help us understand the issue and provide you right solution.
Your car model and made years;
You phone model and system version(if it is regarded);
The rest of the supplement.
RegardsStatistics: Posted by Jammy — Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:11 am