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PUMPKIN CAR STEREO SUPPORT CENTER Get support for PUMPKIN products. Get the information you need for the type of product you own. 2020-06-02T03:49:48 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/feed.php?f=3&t=15901 2020-06-02T03:49:48 2020-06-02T03:49:48 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15901&p=31428#p31428 <![CDATA[Re: Data connection with Bluetooth or wifi tethering]]>
After you connect your phone with the Bluetooth to your car stereo, it can also connect to the Bluetooth OBD2 adapter.


Statistics: Posted by Jammy — Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:49 am

2020-06-01T21:16:52 2020-06-01T21:16:52 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15901&p=31426#p31426 <![CDATA[Data connection with Bluetooth or wifi tethering]]>
If I understand it well, I am able to get data connection through Bluetooth tethering on my phone. This seems to work.
But it is also possible to get data connection with a wifi hotspot on my mobile phone.

Is there a reason to choose especially for Bluetooth tethering or to choose for wifi tethering? Which is best or what are advantages and disadvantages of both ways?
Of course I would connect Bluetooth for making phone calls and maybe playing music from my phone.

Another question: if I use Bluetooth for phone calls and maybe data connection, is it still possible to also connect a Bluetooth ODB2 adapter, or can I only connect one Bluetooth device at once?

Statistics: Posted by bnwgraaf — Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:16 pm
