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PUMPKIN CAR STEREO SUPPORT CENTER Get support for PUMPKIN products. Get the information you need for the type of product you own. 2020-06-29T08:22:58 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/feed.php?f=3&t=15913 2020-06-29T08:22:58 2020-06-29T08:22:58 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15913&p=31504#p31504 <![CDATA[Re: Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 in a W169 Mercedes ...]]> In this case you need to change the antenna base and pull some new cable through the car. No nice work...

I would try to find someone who is able to test the antenna amplifier. For your car you should be able to find a good used antenna amplifier in Ebay or anything like that.

Statistics: Posted by Rigattoni — Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:22 am

2020-06-28T16:54:39 2020-06-28T16:54:39 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15913&p=31503#p31503 <![CDATA[Re: Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 in a W169 Mercedes ...]]>
I now tried 2 different phantom adapters with dual FAKRA plugs, one for the FM FAKRA cable and one for the ZF FAKRA cable, the blue 12V cable is connected to the ANT-cable of the PUMPKIN radio, but radio reception is still bad.

I now suspect that maybe the antenna amplifier got moisty and that the antenna doesn't work properly therefore.

I wonder if it's possible to change the outer antenna, which can be screwed off easily against some kind of other none diversity antenna?

Everything is working fine except for radio reception.

Statistics: Posted by MarcyBesky — Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:54 pm

2020-06-24T21:54:55 2020-06-24T21:54:55 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15913&p=31502#p31502 <![CDATA[Re: Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 in a W169 Mercedes ...]]> I have the same Car with the same Pumkin. By me the same bevore i have APS 50.
I use a Divertsity Adapter with Phantom Adapter and this i connect to the Blue wire. The diference betwen us is that i dont use the time that the Android for Power Off. I have 2 SD Carts inside and the Sart Time is nearly under 2 sec. The Radio switch off when i take the Key out. If the Key in the Radio works normal

Statistics: Posted by jokkel — Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:54 pm

2020-06-24T12:44:21 2020-06-24T12:44:21 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15913&p=31498#p31498 <![CDATA[Re: Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 in a W169 Mercedes ...]]> Clamp 15 is the yellow one and this is feeded with 12V by the CAN box.

You just need to measure if the red cable has constant +12V and if the yellow one has only +12V if you put in your key and turn it.
If there is no power on the yellow one if the key is out, the connection is correct.

In the settings of the unit you can switch the Auto switch off to "OFF" and the unit keeps in deep sleep.

Statistics: Posted by Rigattoni — Wed Jun 24, 2020 12:44 pm

2020-06-23T11:32:14 2020-06-23T11:32:14 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15913&p=31494#p31494 <![CDATA[Re: Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 in a W169 Mercedes ...]]> I don´t know what you have read in any forum, but mostly is the issue on the one who installed the unit without measuring Clamp 30 and 15

Clamp 30 and 15 from the CAN bus?

Well, to be honest, I also would like to avoid to shutdown the complete power via ACC after 30 seconds and let it be in deep sleep, if I can be sure, that the battery will not be drained, as waiting 90 seconds every time the car is switched on via ignition key, is somewhat annoying.

Statistics: Posted by MarcyBesky — Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:32 am

2020-06-21T21:59:48 2020-06-21T21:59:48 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15913&p=31484#p31484 <![CDATA[Re: Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 in a W169 Mercedes ...]]>
In deep sleep it takes ~10-12mA/h which means that the battery should stay healthy even if you park the car for 2 weeks at the airport.Yes, the battery needs to be healthy, even the one in the trunk for start/stop automatic. But I would expect such things always.

I had the same car as yours and I always kept the unit in deep sleep, even on a 2 weeks vacation trip by plane.
I don´t know what you have read in any forum, but mostly is the issue on the one who installed the unit without measuring Clamp 30 and 15. If these are set corretly there is no dought that the issue with draining the battery is gone, even if the car is used only from time to time.

To be honest... from my pov you are just chasing ghosts.

Statistics: Posted by Rigattoni — Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:59 pm

2020-06-21T13:31:16 2020-06-21T13:31:16 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15913&p=31483#p31483 <![CDATA[Re: Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 in a W169 Mercedes ...]]>
That's also the reason, why I checked ANT and AMP-CON cable from the Pumpkin Android radio and could measure 12V, even if ignition key is removed and my question was ...

Does this behaviour ... measuring 12V permanent power ... only occur in the case that no power consumer, like the diversity antenna from my W169 Mercedes A-class is not connected to a Phantom adapter and it's 12V blue cable to the ANT or AMP-CON cable of the Pumpkin radio? Without connecting the blue 12V cable from the Phantom adapter to the ANT or AMP-CON cable, I measure permanent 12V power, which I don't want, as soon as the ignition key is removed, because it might consume too much power from my battery, so that I might have problems to start my car, after a couple of days not using it.

You see, I want the opposite ... i want the Pumpkin Android radio to completely shutdown (ACC power off after 30 seconds) and I don't want the Phantom adapter to consume 12V permanent power using the blue power cable connected to ANT or AMP-CON of the Pumpkin Android radio, when I turn off my car by removing the ignition key.

Any thoughts?

Statistics: Posted by MarcyBesky — Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:31 pm

2020-06-20T08:31:48 2020-06-20T08:31:48 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15913&p=31482#p31482 <![CDATA[Re: Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 in a W169 Mercedes ...]]> It´s normal that all electricity consumers are switched off if the ignition is off.
Only the radio has a permanent power to keep the volatile memory for radio stations p.e.
...and it is able to keep the radio in deep sleep to be able to start up within 1-2 seconds.
The radio get´s a switched 12V power from the CAN bus, called Clamp 15 or on the radio marked as IGN or something like that.
This is the trigger to switch on the mainboard and Android. The mainboard is responsible to activate the AMP and the ANT power.

That is all completey normal and as expected.

Statistics: Posted by Rigattoni — Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:31 am

2020-06-18T16:01:30 2020-06-18T16:01:30 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15913&p=31478#p31478 <![CDATA[Re: Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 in a W169 Mercedes ...]]>
Thank you

Statistics: Posted by MarcyBesky — Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:01 pm

2020-06-16T18:22:29 2020-06-16T18:22:29 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15913&p=31475#p31475 <![CDATA[Re: Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 in a W169 Mercedes ...]]>
first of all thank you for replying. The Quadlock-adapter from the Pumpkin Android Radio AA0461B-A01 has 3 cables for additional connection, one is called 'ANT' and the other one is called 'AMP-CON' and there is another one. I have a Phantom adapter with Phantom power, but I thought before connecting everything I test how much power can be measured, when connecting ANT and ground and it was steady 12V in both cases (with ignition key inserted and without ignition key inserted).

So, you say, I need to connect the Phantom the two adapter FAKRA ports with the two FAKRA ports of my diversity antenna and the blue phantom power cable (responsible for 12V power) with the free ANT-cable coming out from the Quadlock-adapter cable of the Pumpkin Android radio and I should measure 12V power, when ignition key is inserted and 0V power, when I remove ignition key from my W169 car?

Is this always the case with Pumpkin Android radios, that ANT is ignition plus and not permanent plus, even if the car only delivers permanent plus over the Quadlock-port?


Statistics: Posted by MarcyBesky — Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:22 pm

2020-06-15T06:03:10 2020-06-15T06:03:10 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15913&p=31468#p31468 <![CDATA[Re: Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 in a W169 Mercedes ...]]>
After turning off the ignition key of the car, the amp/ant line of the car will not have a 12V output (you need to connect the load, such as a Phantom antenna). You test that there is a 12V output because there is no load connected.

Thank you

Statistics: Posted by Jammy — Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:03 am

2020-06-12T12:50:09 2020-06-12T12:50:09 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=15913&p=31464#p31464 <![CDATA[Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 in a W169 Mercedes ...]]>
I had an Audio 50 APS in my recent car W169 from Mercedes, but decided to replace it with the Pumpkin AA0461B-A01 Android radio. The Audio 50 APS is supplied via the QuadLock-adapter from the car itself. The QuadLock-adapter with CANBUS from Pumpkin (delivered with the Android radio) is used to supply the Pumpkin Android radio.

Unfortunately, I have a diversity antenna, which needs to be supplied with 12V power but to my knowledge 'Ignition plus' is only supplied via the cigarette lighter. Getting 'Ignition plus' from the cigarette lighter would imply an intrusion into the electic of the car.

So far, I could only measure 12V 'Permanent plus' from the 'ANT' and 'AMP-CON' output, even when the car-key is released. The Pumpkin Android radio is configured to power off or shutdown 30 seconds after the car-key is released (ACC+). Igniting the car with the car-key immediately supplies the Pumpkin Android radio with power and the LOGO comes up. It takes around 90 seconds to come up, while booting the Android radio and checking the Micro SD cards for GPS navigation and the oterh Micro SD card from the secons Micro SD port.

Any idea, where I can get only 'Ignition plus' from the outputs of the Pumpkin Android radio?

Thanks and best regards,

Statistics: Posted by MarcyBesky — Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:50 pm
