I had to take the SD card out for another reason and so was running the DAB with just the app installed on the headunit, where previously I also had a version of it on the SD card as an .apk file.
Without the card and the apk file the radio is almost perfect, I have done tests where I drive down the same road, 5 minutes later, after taking the card out and starting the radio and car again driving down the same road and the reception is much better with almost no dropouts.
I dont know the reason , but was assuming that maybe the radio when it starts is also loading the apk file twice or there is some conflict, if it senses there is another version running, not sure.
So just wanted to pass on if you have the app installed on the headunit, just clear the card of any DAB apps it may or may not make a difference.
Merry Christmas to all those interested.Statistics: Posted by roscored — Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:52 am