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PUMPKIN CAR STEREO SUPPORT CENTER Get support for PUMPKIN products. Get the information you need for the type of product you own. 2016-11-14T06:51:41 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/feed.php?f=8&t=1158 2016-11-14T06:51:41 2016-11-14T06:51:41 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=1158&p=4885#p4885 <![CDATA[Re: GS-C0219 - Time and radio resetting. Yellow wire not crossed with red]]> Sorry for the trouble caused.
Could you please tell us more details about the radio station and time issues?
Do the unit lose the setting when it's running a function or when you restart the unit?
Normally if the yellow memory wire from the unit can get a constant power supply from your car battery when the unit is shut down, and the current of the yellow memory wire is just a few mA, so it does not drain the car battery.
You can do a another test, just use SD card or USB stick to copy some mp3 songs, then insert or plug it to the unit, when the unit is playing the music, then pull out of the key. Wait for a few minutes, then restart the unit to check if it will automatically continue to play the previous song.

Statistics: Posted by Jammy — Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:51 am

2016-11-12T05:48:00 2016-11-12T05:48:00 https://forum.autopumpkin.com/viewtopic.php?t=1158&p=4857#p4857 <![CDATA[GS-C0219 - Time and radio resetting. Yellow wire not crossed with red]]>
I picked up a GS-C0219 double din unit last year, and despite a few little things, love it for the price that I paid.

One problem that I've had though, is that the radio stations and the time/time zone continues to reset. I've spoken with tech support, who told me to make sure that the yellow and red wires on the back might be crossed, but after checking a number of times, they aren't.

I've checked the wires to make sure that they are able to send a current through them. I have no harness -- it's a newer car [2012 Hyundai i30]) and I'm running out of ideas.

Any help is welcome


Statistics: Posted by Cherok101 — Sat Nov 12, 2016 5:48 am
