nd0474h aux/cam cable explanation - Pumpkin Android 8.0 Opel
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:08 pm
Dear All,
I just bought the nd0474h unit. It's an android 8.0 unit for Opel. It includes a canbus adapter for Opel.
The manual does not contain an explanation of the cables that were delivered. Please give me an explanation of the following, where I put question marks. What do they control or when do they get power.
Cam in Cable
R CAM (Reverse camera input)
Brake (?)
Reverse (?)
Amp & Ant Con (?)
Gnd (Ground)
Batt+ (Battery +)
SWC1 (?)
SWC2 (?)
Illumi (?)
Acc (?)
Cam PWR (?)
Aux Input Cable
R in (?)
L in (?)
I just bought the nd0474h unit. It's an android 8.0 unit for Opel. It includes a canbus adapter for Opel.
The manual does not contain an explanation of the cables that were delivered. Please give me an explanation of the following, where I put question marks. What do they control or when do they get power.
Cam in Cable
R CAM (Reverse camera input)
Brake (?)
Reverse (?)
Amp & Ant Con (?)
Gnd (Ground)
Batt+ (Battery +)
SWC1 (?)
SWC2 (?)
Illumi (?)
Acc (?)
Cam PWR (?)
Aux Input Cable
R in (?)
L in (?)