just installed AS0274B,Android 7.1.2GB RAM 32GB ROM, it boots fine but touchscreen is completely unresponsive.
is there a firmware update to fix this.
This is a brand new unit just purchased from amazon.
AS0274B,Android 7.1.2GB RAM 32GB ROM
Re: AS0274B,Android 7.1.2GB RAM 32GB ROM
About this issue ,you can contact the pumpkin customer service or write to support@autopumpkin.com.
You need to tell them your order number or ebay id so that they can confirm your unit . i suggest you show them an short video to help them understand your query and find the cause.
You need to tell them your order number or ebay id so that they can confirm your unit . i suggest you show them an short video to help them understand your query and find the cause.
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