problem 8 " Autoradio Android 4.2 DVDs HIFI GPS 3G WIFI f/VW Skoda Jetta T5 Tiguan

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problem 8 " Autoradio Android 4.2 DVDs HIFI GPS 3G WIFI f/VW Skoda Jetta T5 Tiguan

Postby garrapatero » Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:04 pm

Hello friend, Hace 1 year I bought you for ebay this radio New autoradius 8 " Autoradio Android 4.2 DVDs HIFI GPS 3G WIFI f/VW Skoda Jetta T5 Tiguan article: 181456214510 transaction: 1217660971008, user javierochoapeci.The radio already does not work, ignites but she remains blocked. I have reset and turn off the radio often but it does not start the system.. I have not tried to install nothing firmware Superior, alone she stopped working. It has of factory Android 4.4.2 of Jely Bean. There is blocked on the screen that you sending in the photo. Help me please.
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Re: problem 8 " Autoradio Android 4.2 DVDs HIFI GPS 3G WIFI f/VW Skoda Jetta T5 Tiguan

Postby Andy » Thu Mar 17, 2016 1:51 am

Hi there
The item you bought was sold at 2014, and that is stopped production for very very long time which is far more expired the warranty.
But we have checked with the factory, and they said that is the hardware inside the radio is broken, but they are not have that kinds of parts to help you repair any more due to stopped production for almost 2 years now. Hope you can understand!

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