swooshing noise when turning the ignition off. any updates?

Mainly focus on PUMPKIN Android/Wince Car Radio DVD GPS Stereo Issue

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swooshing noise when turning the ignition off. any updates?

Postby amanindandism » Sat Sep 23, 2017 4:01 am

i ordered my unit at the end of April and have been quite happy with it but in makes a rather obnoxious noise every time i turn my key off, otherwise the unit seems to work great. im not sure if this is related to the fact that im using the factory amplifiers for my car or not but the OEM HU did not do it.
also, and possibly related, are there any updates for my unit?

the car is a 1995 toyota MR2 with premium sound.
i used this adapter to hook up my unit and im using the RCA outputs from the HU.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HP ... UTF8&psc=1

the number on the side of the box is CN10-02201B-08A
android version 6.0.1
MCU version 5.3.19-11-10-453101-170107
system version V7.3.1_20170302.094453_KED3

those are all the numbers i could find. i can make a video of the noise if it will help.
thank you.

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Re: swooshing noise when turning the ignition off. any updates?

Postby Jammy » Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:20 am

we will be appreciated if you can provide us a video .

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Re: swooshing noise when turning the ignition off. any updates?

Postby amanindandism » Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:06 am

here you go, i hope the link works correctly.

adjusting the volume dosnt seem to have any effect on it. i figured at some point id pull it out and scope the amp remote wire and RCA outputs to see what is actually going on but honestly its not bothering me enough right now to justify taking my dash apart again to figure it out.

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Re: swooshing noise when turning the ignition off. any updates?

Postby Jammy » Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:00 am

this swooshing noise should be relate to your factory amplifier.Sorry,there is no update to solve this problem.
Hope your kind understanding.

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Re: swooshing noise when turning the ignition off. any updates?

Postby amanindandism » Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:34 pm

so i was in my dash for another project and decided to see if i could pinpoint the cause of the noise.
what i found was the head unit keeps the AMP power output on for a few seconds after the key is turned off. that probably wouldn't matter for most systems but in this case all the power for the head unit comes threw the factory amplifier so you end up with a weird situation where ACC power at the amp is off but its still getting power on the AMP wire from the head unit causing it to do weird things.
im probably just going to not use the the head units AMP wire and just use the ACC wire to turn the amp on.
so basically its a quirk of the head unit and a quirk of my car clashing. i hope this helps.

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