MTCC-KLD6: sygic hangs on and system getting slow

Mainly focus on PUMPKIN Android/Wince Car Radio DVD GPS Stereo Issue

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MTCC-KLD6: sygic hangs on and system getting slow

Postby thorsten_ol » Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:16 pm


I have an issue with sygic on my unit.
The first few months it works fine but since few weeks it hangs on the start in the starting screen.
De-installation an re-installation has no effect and improvement.
Also the system is getting slower and slower with every google update (it seems so for me)
No further apps are installed.

I read often of a V2.97 firmware.
Can you give me a link for the image to test it?

Kind regards

btw: I testet AirPlay with the smartphone of my son. I doesn't work either only Miracast with my android.
My unit is installed on a Scoda Fabia
Modellnumber: S07
May 31 2016 19:54:14
Kernel-Version: 3.0.101+
root@chun #44Build-Number
rk3188-userdebug 22062016.16:41:09
ordered at Amazon germany 028-9305118-1680322
Their modelnumber KD-C0356

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Re: MTCC-KLD6: sygic hangs on and system getting slow

Postby Jammy » Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:44 am

Sorry for the late reply due to the Chinese New Year's Day.
For the sygic issue, you can install the latest firmware to check. Here is the link for you.!lFVVWS7Q!WvezHo2glWLu ... BNYnqVArUE
Please notice, the installed app will be deleted after firmware installing.
Then you can reinstall the sygic app and tell us if the problem still happens.
For the mirror link function, the android phone can control from both unit side and phone side, but the iPhone can only control from the phone side, hope your understanding.

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[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php on line 1236: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

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