Firstly, hello everybody I just created an account.
I have been searching for an Android head unit and found Pumpkin which seem to be better equipped and receive better feedback than any other manufacturer.
However, during my research, I begun to notice errors and seriously conflicting information on the Pumpkin website specifications for each Android head unit.
I am currently conversing with Pumpkin staff over email (I have no idea which department, it's just their onlinestore at pumpkin email).
The main reason why I need accurate information on the Pumpkin website is that I have some very precise requirements in the fine specifications, for example USB/SD size limit; I require as high as possible USB/SD capacity. Some head units say 128GB max. capacity, some say 64GB max. capacity. And get this, some say both 128GB AND 64GB!
How can I choose a head unit when the specs. are so wildly inaccurate, mistakes, typos, conflicting information...
I even tried to search on other sites for more accurate details and specifications but the problem with that is, most sellers have copied the specifications from the Pumpkin site, so they're a mess too!!
It's a shame such a strong brand can allow such a massive problem slide. The site should be checked for errors scrupulously, because we are buying electronic equipment; we need ACCURATE specifications, details and RELIABLE information.
Pumpkin website spec. issues...
Re: Pumpkin website spec. issues...
Hi, yes ,we all need an accurate description.
Different unit has different abilities to work with the external sd card. If you have confusion, why not directly consult the seller. They will give you a correct response.
Different unit has different abilities to work with the external sd card. If you have confusion, why not directly consult the seller. They will give you a correct response.
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