Onboard Diagnostics II (OBD-II) is a standardized system that onboard computers in cars and trucks use for self-diagnostics and reporting. The main functions of the OBDII are read and clear diagnostic trouble codes, display current sensor data.
How to use an OBDII scanner?
The usage of the Wifi OBDII scanner is similar to the Bluetooth OBDII scanner. The difference is the connection, one connect wifi, another connect Bluetooth.
Plugin the scanner and make sure the light on
Connect to the Wifi /Bluetooth
Open the Torque app, click setting and find the OBD2 Adapter Settings, choose the connection type (wifi or Bluetooth).
Return to the Torque interface
Turn on the car key
If the car icon is flickering, the connection is not succeeded. Quit and reopen the Torque.
Click the realtime information, you can see all the realtime data.
Test the data
Check on the Fault codes and start the scanning
If there are some defaults, just follow the instruction.
There are two types of OBD-II scanners that you'll come across. The difference between these two types of scanners is the connection method. However, they are compatible with the Torque APP, Apple iOS and Android devices and support all OBD-II protocols for PC/PDA/Mobile, etc.
Wifi OBDII scanner uses a car stereo to make a network to make the transfer. It does not use the internet or your cell network, but instead just creates a local network that the two devices can connect too.
This type of OBDII scanner operates by making use of car stereo Bluetooth connectivity.
How to connect an OBDII diagnostic Scanner
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