Pumpkin c0257 don't loding

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Pumpkin c0257 don't loding

Postby swed » Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:44 pm

Hello, pls help solve the problem, the player Pumpkin c 0257 dont loading, cyclic restart. The player is under warranty. https://youtu.be/H8_VBJtBSUw

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Re: Pumpkin c0257 don't loding

Postby Andy » Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:48 am

Hi there
Sorry for replying you late due to different working time and timezone!
Could you mind check the following video to reset the radio to check if you can solve it? Short press the RST hole, and then short press the middle hole for two times, and then long press it without release until it boots to the Android menu.



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Re: Pumpkin c0257 don't loding

Postby swed » Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:39 am

I tried to do on video, the result is not given, it is possible to even try to do?

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Re: Pumpkin c0257 don't loding

Postby Andy » Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:37 am

Hi there
Thank you for your fast reply!
Could you mind download the firmware of the system, and then reinstall it to the radio according to the following video shows?

Here is the link of the firmware, please download the copy to an emtpy USB to plug to the USB port of the radio.

https://mega.nz/#!8YtnDLIA!5sw2RbasYAKr ... 0hOl4ZUj2A

Here is the video instruction:

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Re: Pumpkin c0257 don't loding

Postby swed » Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:16 pm

The flashing does not helped , during pouring the firmware to the memory card it begins to flash after a while there is a reboot , and so repeatedly. Is there possible to carry out re-flash on the computer or another effective way ? https://youtu.be/CKhXyoVsypU.

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Re: Pumpkin c0257 don't loding

Postby Andy » Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:40 am

Hi there
Could you mind use another USB pen to load the firmware to check? Maybe the USB is problem or something.
Please redownload the firmware from internet.
If above are still happen, then it maybe the android board built into the radio is problem, I think the best solution is to return the item back and exchange new item. But if you are techinician, you may can try to contact the seller to get a new Android board to replace by yourself.

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Re: Pumpkin c0257 don't loding

Postby swed » Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:57 pm

Council for the change of result has not given usb connector. The seller does not get in touch, for this reason, have to try to restore the player. I once again ask for help on updating the firmware via the computer, how to connect the player to your computer, or tell me any other way to restore. Thank you. P.S. Please sign in my position, the player did not work and the month is out of order, the seller refuses to help, give me instructions on how to recoveyt.

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Re: Pumpkin c0257 don't loding

Postby Andy » Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:24 am

Hi there
Sorry about that!
But the radio is not support to connect with computer and then done update. it can only update via the USB port.
As you said the method is not working, then the best solution is to return the item back to exchange new item, we are now under the holiday, that's why there is no reply, hope you can understand.

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