[Remote]How to test if a remote control is sending an Infrared (IR) signal?

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[Remote]How to test if a remote control is sending an Infrared (IR) signal?

Postby Andy » Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:10 am

An IR Remote Control sends out a signal using Infrared light. You cannot see this light with your eyes, but by using a digital camera, cell phone camera, or camcorder in camera mode you can see the signal.
PS: You can use the Android phone camera, not iPhone camera.

To check if your IR Remote is sending a signal, follow the steps below:

Pick a device to use:
Digital Camera - turn the camera on.
1. Cell Phone with camera - open the camera app.
2. Camcorder - turn the camcorder on an set it to Camera mode.
3. Point the end of the remote control with the IR emitter at the camera or camcorder lens.
4. Look at the viewfinder or LCD screen.
Press and hold one of the buttons on the remote control.
test remote control1.gif
test remote control1.gif (1.66 MiB) Viewed 18209 times

If you aim the remote at the camera and push buttons, you should see a flash each time the button is pushed. If you do, chances are pretty good the remote is fine; the component's IR sensor may be bad (or blocked) or there may be interference. If the flash doesn't occur each time, place brand new batteries in the remote. If the problem continues, the remote is likely the issue.
NOTE: If you see a light when no button is pressed, one of the buttons on the remote may be stuck and preventing other buttons from working. If this is the case:

Remove the batteries.
Press and release each button a couple of times to see if you can free the stuck button.
Replace the batteries and test the remote again.
If you continue to see a light when no button is pressed, the remote control may need to be replaced.

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